Architecture Control Committee

Are you thinking about a project on your property?

Please Note According to the Lake Nasworthy Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Aricle 2:

The Architectural Control Commitee must review and approve in writing all of the following projects on the property:

(a) Construction of any building, fence, wall, satelite disk, exterior antenna (including but not limited to, ham radio antennas), or other structure.​​

(b) Any exterior addtion, change, or alteration in any building, fence, wall, or other structure.

(c) Any landscaping involving plant or material over four feet (4′) in height or grading of any lot or lots.

To obtain approval to do any of the work described above an Owner must submit an application to the Architectural Control Committee showing the plans and specification for the proposed work.  Such plans and specifications shall detail the nature, shape, height, materials, colors, and location of the proposed work.

Download Form, fill out and email to

For question contact JC Gallagher at (432)212-4935